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Southeast Asia's Yachting Magazine Vol. 13 No. 4

Southeast Asia's Yachting Magazine Vol. 13 No. 4 Southern Asia's yachting & marine industry magazine, July- Agust 2018

  • SEA Yachting News
    Everything from the merging of two boat shows to preview-ing the Raja Muda regatta, the arrival of the Azimut 77S, news from Hull, sustainability at CPHPR, a Sanlorenzo partnership with Rolls-Royce, the Fountaine Pajot Astréa 42 & a new catamaran design from Albatross Marine Design (AMD).

  • Samui Regatta sails for 17th year
    Hosted by Simon James & Kae Wattana, the  final event in the AYGP drew the region’s top sailors to Samui’s shores.

  • Hanse 388 & Hanse 418 – Continuing the Evolution
    Rob Williams tells us these new models continue the evolution of their predecessors with their ease of sailing & performance

  • SY Cocal now based in Southeast Asia
    Andrea & Crystal Spinoglio take us on board SY Cocal, a sailing yacht made for adventure & exploration, which has traversed the globe

  • Experience a cultural family charter in the Flores Achipelago
    Patti Seery wanted to welcome large families when she created the concept of Silolona Sojourns with tandem cruises onboard Silolona & Si Datu Bua.

  • Aquila 44 Journeys to the British Vir-gin Islands
    Two seasoned MarineMax delivery captains recently delivered a new Aquila

  • Power Catamaran to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands (BVI)

  • Behind the scenes at Racer Marina
    MarinaWe talk with Noune in charge of the Cafe Racer in Racer Marina; the only full-service marina in the Hua Hin-Pranburi area.

  • Elegance & Individuality – the Catama-ran Saona 47
    Asia Marine, pioneers of yacht chartering in Thai-land, showcase another in their fabulous Fountaine Pajot collection.

  • The story of Galileo Maritime Acade-my
    Anthony Gould takes a look at how in four short years Galileo has became the MCA  ag-ship Mar-itime Academy in Asia.