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SOUTHEAST ASIA'S YACHTING MAGAZINE VOL. 15 No. 1 January - February 2020


SEA Yachting News
In this issue, Galileo announces a new & exciting hire
(pg#12), we have news on the upcoming Singapore
Yacht Show News (pg#13), a Shoreline 86 powered
by Yanmar (pg#14), Multihull Solutions launches at the
TYS 2020 (pg#16), a Raja Muda wrap-up (pg#17) and
well as Simpson Marine’s line-up at the TYS (pg#18)
and summaries of the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat
Show (pg #38), the inaugural Jai Dee Regatta (pg#60)
& Thailand Charter Week (pg#64).

King’s Cup Regatta
Saluting the late great Captain Marty Rijurkis, we
publish excerpts from the last racing reports he filed.
Marty tragically passed away in Port Dickson, a week
after the King’s Cup finished.

The Innovative Hanse Line
Rob Williams of Southeast Asia Yachts takes us through
a brief profile of the Hanse Range with the layouts
available &power units for each boat.

Emagine is on the block
We trace the history of Scott Bradley’s Emagine. This
former Transpac winner has lit up the Southeast Asian
racing with its distinctive colour scheme and is now
up for sale.

The perfect time to ship Downunder
Bert van Muylwijk & Marieke Derks tell us as
Australia and New Zealand are hosting an impressive
series of sailing events from the end
of 2020 to April 2021, this is a perfect time to
ship your yacht there

Asia Marine showcases Galeon
Benjamin Tabuteau details the luxury of the
Galeon 680 while “MIJA”, a Galeon 460 Fly is
based in Yacht Haven Marina, celebrating her
3rd year as a successful charter yacht.

Chartering in Koh Chang
All you ever needed to know about chartering
in and around Koh Chang – thanks to Captain
Mark Denebeim for this very informative piece.

Byron’s Odyssey
Life’s been quite an adventure for Byron Jones,
with many more tales to come, we’re sure. Read
all about Byron’s fascinating journey in this issue.